
22 Mart 2015 Pazar

Don't Afraid! TAKE RISK!

       As teachers we all want our students reach to a certain level when they completed each lesson. That's why we make lesson plans. But one thing that I want to emphasize is while proceeding in that direeection some teachers try to keep their students in their 'safety circles'. Because of that the students who can do better or can create more refined work are left out in some way. Also the students who wasn't given that chance have hard times while expanding themselves.  For to produce better learning results we should encourage our students to take risks. By doing that in one way we are facing them with numerious different problems. Naturally they feel the obligation of using their creativity, critical thinking, reasoning skills which they didn't use up to their full extend while in their 'safety circles'. From my point off view this is more close to real life. When I was in primary shool my teacher knew that I was good at science so my teacher gave me projects that I tought very hard to complete and requiered me to do long researches but at the end I was rewarded more than 6 times either by the ministry of education or  by the other instutituons. Additionally while doing that teachers should build upon the strenghts of students so that they can improve more further in less time. Because students while in learning process like boats in a stormy wheather they can go wrong directions and might come up with false or missing results their strenghts gives them a good leverage where they can rest themselves and complete more complex tasks. Finally this is the way that I'm going to follow because I belive the ideas that I mentioned in my writing is true because I saw them worked.

3 yorum:

  1. Hi Yunus, you said "For to produce better learning results we should encourage our students to take risks." I also think like this. May be it brings different kind of problems but worth it.

    1. Certainly because without pushing the limits we can't see how much we can do something well. Can you tell me some of the problems in your mind also?

  2. Yes,sure yunus. Definetly,we need to encourage our students to take risk and struggle with the results in order to find their best path .So this will contribute their future plan as you have mentioned in your text.
