
13 Nisan 2015 Pazartesi

Constructivism from my point of view

   Constructivism in teaching certainly has a lot of advantages. I think it is a better idea to lead students to sources and help them build their own knowledge instead of normal lecturing. Because this method will eventually diminish the possible questions like "Why am I learning this?, "How it is going to be useful for me in the future?" and create a self awareness on students. As the students going to be creators of their own knowledge this will led them to a better understanding of subjects. Rather than just taking readily made bits of information from the teacher, students will do research, they first take subjects as a whole and after their research they will reach to the necessary point and in that time period they will learn lots of different thing consciously or unconsciously. Additionally students will be saved from "teacher talk" which is very boring for most of the new generation learners. Inevitably there is some drawbacks of this method. First, this is almost completely a student based system. For lesson to work weed need to be sure that each student come to class as ready. What happens in they not? Because lesson will be dependent the things they brought to class, it might stuck at some point. Also this makes lesson planning much harder because we as teacher need to build the new knowledge upon the existing knowledge of the students. If we have a very high population in the class this will also become impossible. Moreover choosing this method will require us to leave from standardised testing schema and grade entered goals and rewards as well as the comparison of students. Lastly according to all those reasons constructivist education for me is very useful and not completely but mainly I will try to integrate it o me teaching process.

3 yorum:

  1. Hi Yunus, I agree your point of view about constructivisim.You mentioned both advantages and disadvantages. I think, students are actively involved, rather than passively absorbing information. This is an advantage of constructivism. On the contrary, some students require highly structured environments in order to be able to shine but disadvantage is that its lack of structure. Also, you find constructivist education very usefull. So do I. That is why, this approach has specific learning goals like analyzing a problem with multiple plan.

  2. Certainly you are right. I also think the the main problem of this style is that it is very dependent on the student rather than the teacher. Some students might feel insecure when this method used on them and this certainly have some drawbacks as you mentioned. But thinking the positive sides giving this method a try certainly worth it.

  3. Hi Yunus, I agree with your ideas. Especially, constructivism makes lessons less boring and also makes students very active in their learning process.
