
23 Şubat 2015 Pazartesi

Society and Teachers

     Today I would like to mention one of the most popular and canonised question related to the teachers. It is "Do teachers actually make a difference to society?".
      My answer is yes but, I can't just say it like that and here is my argument. According to the various research we know that young people learn faster and more easily than adults or elderly humans. We also again know according to the scientific researches that people develop their identity at young ages, for example Jean Piaget's Cognitive theory and Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development theory are the best support for this idea. Supposedly the formal education starts at around the age of 7 to 8, I can say we are as teachers certainly shaping the children therefore the people. Because teachers not only helps or makes the learners learn something but also through the way they act or speak, interact with others, they forms certain behaviours, styles in their student's minds. As the learning continues synchronised with the psychological development of human, they obtain some of the properties of their teachers due to the reason that I mentioned above. I can give some examples from myself. When I was in the high school, I was very impressed by the style of my English teacher so when I started to teach, I am certainly not going to give grammar rules directly without saying nothing and then continue the lesson upon them. One more example is when I was in the elementary school was very bad at teaching vocabulary so I would definitely not follow his style, because I know that it will be pain for students, if I follow that way. I hope that, my expressions are clear and you can benefit from them.

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